Serious work is done to turn this game into fully playable thing.
Fixed a nasty problem at level loading that prevented most of players from completing the game. At least! It took soooo long!
Patched a softlock, that happend when game’s AI get to state “it’s my turn, but I does not know about that fact”.
Repaired some AI procedure that turned AI to “berserker maniac” that keeped pushing towards selected units no matter what happens around.
Fixed all “dizzies” of AI running its ships all around the map without any purpose or sending them out of the map. Yep, AI may still make some stupid things, but that’s not breaking whole game anymore.
Problem of “immortal Reapers” was removed. I forget to make a dying effect for them, and death could not end properly.
Fixed a glorious “ghost ships” problem, when ship that’s already destroyed (and disappeared from the map) still continues to fight! It was a great pain to kill them again. Problem was when you kills a ship at the end of your turn. On AI’s turn, ship is still there, executing order “dying”. AI decides to move this ship, giving it a new order. Last order (“to die with effects”) than becames lost, and ship… err… forgets to die, staying in some “un-living” state. Code was purified to remove such a sinister things. Grr, what a necromantic nightmare in my space game!
Removed problem when AI shots some of player’s units trough all the map.
Ohh… the most terrible. Last level with final fight was so lame and uncomplete that it was cut completely. It was a shame, really. But now you won’t get your hands on a 3 great units, and story remained open-ended. Sorry, guys – but I’ve got a timer.
Fixed beacons spawning radius – AI spawned ships only on beacon itself, and you may under some conditions spawn them outside of beacon’s radius.
Made some rebalance. Some units like Paladin were pretty useless, while others like Corvette were too powerful for their money. Also, fixed an economics – beacons were giving too much money, locking some players into endless bloody fights near the enemy’s beacons. Last map was re-balanced a bit – it was unpassable for 90% of players.
“Saving Disruptor” level was too slow cause of batching problems on grid. Grid was turned to GPU Instancing.
Fixed units grid alignment.
Camera’s strange behaviour was fixed.
Fixed mission scripts that worked too early or that was too broken to work at all.
Fixed player’s loosing. Now player may restart a level after it.
All mysics is now looping. Ooops, forget about that!
Fixed lots of typos and some grammar. I’m not a native English-speaker, so, there is a still a great room to fix.
Got ridden of tons of small problems and so on.
Added a small easter egg about bugs. Just a little joke 🙂
Added credits, icons, and a “Bonus” folder with “not-so-hi-res” icons of all ships in game. Just in case of.
Page on LD is taken care of – filled with new text and new (normal) screens. Screens from the last (cut) level were changed to normal ones.